secure shopping
PAYPAL is the most widely used global system for online payments. Currently, a user can pay or receive payments in 193 countries and 26 currencies. PayPal provides users with direct control over their funds. It makes it easier to send money without sharing financial information.
Keeping your financial information safe is absolutely essential when buying online. Whether it concerns e-commerce, sending money or purchasing with debit and credit cards online, you can trust the PayPal system to protect your purchases, which helps keep your financial information secure for your PayPal purchases.
– Fast processing of transactions with a receipt of payment,
– Safe, convenient and cost-effective sending and receiving of online payments,
– High level of safety,
– Easy to use,
The fee for the use of the PayPal payment gateway is 5% from the total purchase amount.
More on PayPal protection here:
GoPay is an online payment gateway operated by the company CNN spol. s.r.o., with the consent of the Czech National Bank. This online payment gateway allows payments via VISA and MasterCard. All payments are secured with 3D security. GoPay is a registered partner of two major card associations, VISA and MasterCard, and fulfils all their conditions.
– Ensured 3D secure payments
– Fast processing of transactions with a receipt of payment,
– Safe, convenient and cost-effective sending and receiving of online payments,
– High level of safety,
– Easy to use,
The fee for the use of the GoPay payment gateway is 2.5% from the total purchase amount.
Learn more about GoPay’s security services here:
PayPal and GoPay can be used from computers or mobile phones supporting internet connectivity.
All types of cards: Maestro, Mastercard, MasterCard SecureCode, Visa, Amex are accepted.
Money transfer through bank accounts
It is possible to choose payment in the form of a “Bank account transfer”.
Our team will contact you during business hours and send you a pro forma invoice to pay the ordered goods through a bank account.
Following the dispatch of the goods, you will receive an invoice via e-mail.
Payment of the goods via bank transfer is free of charge.
The order will be confirmed after the funds have been credited to our bank account.
Shop with us safely, quickly and with no worries. Your sense of security and satisfaction is our priority!
Our company is notified of incoming payments as soon as they are paid. Your order will then be confirmed and processed as paid. You will receive an email notification of any change in the order status.
We ask our customers who have not received a payment notification within 24 hours to check their spam e-mail folder.
If you have not received the notification, contact us at