shipping and return
Shipping & Returns
We ask customers who have not received a payment / shipment notification to check their spam e-mail folder.
Parts on stock are sent within 24 hours after the payment is credited to our account. (At least until 3 pm Central European Time)
Parts which are available from the central warehouse will be sent within 3 working days. For highly specialized parts with a waiting period of more than 3 business days, our team will inform you immediately.
You will be informed via email about the course of your order.
We send goods to more than 160 countries around the world. Our consignments are professionally packed and shipped via UPS, DHL, or by ship or truck.
After the consignment is sent, you will receive a tracking number by e-mail and a direct link to online tracking system where you can reliably track each move. Each consignment is insured for the full value of the goods. You will also receive a tax document along with the consignment. It will be sent to you via e-mail as well.
The tax document shall also serve as a warranty.
Condições de entrega
- Como é que enviamos a mercadoria?
Os métodos de entrega das mercadorias, incluindo o montante dos custos de entrega, são indicados na interface Web. Pode escolher o método específico de entrega das mercadorias na encomenda.
A encomenda incluirá sempre o preço final, que já inclui o custo do método de envio escolhido.
- Quando é que lhe entregamos a mercadoria?
O prazo de entrega das mercadorias depende sempre da sua disponibilidade e do método de transporte e de pagamento escolhido. No entanto, não podemos influenciar o prazo de entrega das mercadorias transportadas por transportadoras externas. Em caso de problemas com o prazo de entrega, contacte-nos e tentaremos resolver a situação com a transportadora.
Os bens que estão em stock são normalmente enviados por nós no prazo de dois dias úteis a contar da data em que o pagamento foi creditado na nossa conta (para pagamentos sem dinheiro antes da entrega dos bens).
Os produtos que não se encontram em stock são enviados por nós logo que possível. Informá-lo-emos da data exacta.
A entrega dos bens ao abrigo das presentes Condições Gerais de Venda designa o momento em que os bens lhe são entregues. A recusa injustificada do comprador em receber os bens não será considerada como uma falha da nossa parte na entrega dos bens ou uma rescisão do contrato por parte do comprador.
O utilizador adquire a propriedade dos bens no momento do pagamento da totalidade do preço de compra, mas não antes de receber a entrega dos bens.
- Qual é o procedimento para a tomada a cargo dos bens?
Check the integrity of the packaging of the goods during the takeover of the goods.
If you find any shortcomings, please inform both the carrier and us immediately. If you refuse to take over a shipment with damaged packaging, it shall not be considered an unreasonable refusal of the goods.
A partir do momento em que o comprador toma posse dos bens (ou a partir do momento em que era obrigado a tomar posse dos bens, mas não o fez em violação do contrato), a responsabilidade pela destruição, dano ou perda acidental dos bens passa para o comprador.
- O que acontece se não tomar posse dos bens?
If it is necessary, for reasons on your part, to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a manner other than the one agreed upon, you are obliged to pay the costs associated with such delivery.
If you fail to take over the goods without a reason, we will be entitled to compensation for the costs associated with the delivery and storage of the goods, as well as any other costs incurred by us as a result of the failure to take over the goods.
Se já tiver pago o preço de compra (no caso de pagamento antes da entrega dos bens), também temos o direito de proceder à venda dos bens por nós próprios, nos termos do artigo 2126 do Código Civil.
Damaged consignment
The customer is obliged to report a damaged package within 48 hours of receipt – both to the carrier and to the seller. The customer must always contact both parties himself/herself.
Otherwise, the claim cannot be accepted.
The customer has the right to refuse to accept a consignment if the packaging is obviously damaged.
Transport conditions outside the European union
Each country has its own import rules. Therefore, it is possible that the tax or duty is calculated on the basis of the price, nature or origin of the goods, when the goods are supplied outside the European Union. The company Oemvwshop is not responsible for any tax or customs fees, if the package is sent from countries outside the European Union. For more information about importing parts into your country, please contact the appropriate customs authorities.
All customers whose billing and delivery addresses are outside the European Union purchase goods from our e-shop without VAT.
DHL Standard, UPS STANDARD / UPS EXPEDITED (Outside of European union)
Reliable deliveries within Europe and non-European countries. When you need fast, low-cost shipping, DHL Standard, UPS Standard and UPS Expedited enable reliable shipping. The tracking number allows you to check the exact delivery time needed for your consignments (including possible customs clearance) at / to help you effectively plan your time.
Estimated shipping time
The European Union: 1-5 working days (UPS standard/DHL standard)
Outside of the European Union (Europe): 5-8 working days (UPS standard/DHL standard)
Countries outside of Europe: 8-10 business days (UPS Expedited)
Express transport
UPS express, UPS express saver, DHL Express
When choosing these methods of transport, the goods are delivered the next working day in almost all major EU trade areas, as well as in Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. This method ensures fast delivery around the world.
It is a global service available in over 160 countries and regions.
Depending on the country, the delivery time may vary.
OEMVWSHOP is not responsible for the delayed delivery of consignments leaving the European Union as a result of customs proceedings or delays by UPS / DHL
Shipping rates
For goods that are oversized (large and light), the shipping price may differ from the one shown in the eshop. The shipping price depends on the weight and dimensions of the package. If the amount that was paid for the transportation does not correspond with our costs, we will contact you immediately.
Larger orders (bodywork parts / motors / gearboxes etc…)
Larger and heavier shipments are sent by ship or truck transport around the world. The sending of a shipment is not limited by size or weight. We can send anything, anywhere!
Insurance and customs duty:
Consignment insurance:
All consignments that depart from our company, regardless of in what manner (UPS, DHL, truck transport, ship transport) are always insured for the full amount of goods.
Consignment custom clearance:
All consignments outside the European Union must go through customs clearance. The goods are always accompanied by a tax document with a description of the goods and the amount that has been paid to our account.
Withdrawal from the contract of purchase for Consumers
- Como pode o utilizador rescindir o contrato?
As a consumer, you may withdraw from the Contract of Purchase without specifying any reason within 14 days from the date of takeover of the goods; if the delivery is divided into several parts, from the date of takeover of the last delivery. We recommend you to send the notice of withdrawal from the Contract of Purchase to our delivery address, together with the goods, or by e-mail and to send the goods to our delivery address immediately afterwards. A sample form can be used to withdraw from the Contract.
- Quais são as consequências da rescisão do contrato?
Ao rescindir o contrato, este é anulado desde o início e é considerado como se não tivesse sido celebrado.
Se uma oferta lhe tiver sido oferecida juntamente com a mercadoria com o seu consentimento, o acordo de doação deixa de ser efetivo se uma das partes o retirar. O utilizador deve devolver-nos o presente juntamente com a mercadoria devolvida.
- De que forma nos devolverá os bens?
You are obliged to return the goods to us within 14 days from withdrawal from the Contract to our delivery address, to any operation plant or to our registered office. Please do not send the goods in the cash-on-delivery mode, we are not obliged to accept them if they are sent this way.
Recomendamos que a mercadoria devolvida seja acompanhada de:
- a copy of the delivery note, a copy of the invoice (if they have been issued) or other proof of purchase of the goods;
- a written statement of withdrawal (by using our form or otherwise) and the method of refund chosen.
A não apresentação de qualquer um dos documentos acima referidos não impedirá o processamento positivo da sua rescisão do contrato, em conformidade com as disposições legais.
- Quando é que vão receber o vosso dinheiro de volta?
O comprador será reembolsado de todas as quantias por nós recebidas no prazo de 14 dias a contar da data de resolução do contrato. No entanto, note que não somos obrigados a reembolsar o seu dinheiro antes de nos devolver os bens ou antes de provar que nos enviou os bens.
In addition to the purchase price, you are also entitled to a refund of the cost of delivering the goods to you. However, if you have chosen a method of delivery other than the cheapest method of delivery offered by us, we will refund you the cost of delivery of the goods at the amount corresponding to the cheapest offered method of delivery of the goods.
O Vendedor reembolsará o dinheiro do utilizador da mesma forma que o recebeu (exceto se o utilizador nos solicitar outra forma no prazo de dez dias a contar da data de resolução do contrato e se, em consequência, o utilizador incorrer em custos adicionais) ou da forma que o utilizador solicitar.
Os custos associados ao envio da mercadoria devolvida para o nosso endereço ficam a cargo do comprador, mesmo que a mercadoria não possa ser devolvida pelos meios postais normais devido à sua natureza.
- E se a mercadoria devolvida estiver danificada?
Quando enviar as mercadorias, é favor acondicioná-las numa embalagem adequada para que não sejam danificadas ou destruídas.
If we find out that the goods returned by you are damaged, worn, soiled or partially consumed, you will be liable to us for this diminution in the value of the goods.
- Quando é que não é possível rescindir o contrato?
De acordo com o artigo 1837.º do Código Civil, não é possível rescindir os seguintes contratos (entre outros):
- on the delivery of the goods which have been modified according to your wishes or for your person (including any goods specially modified and programmed according to the VIN number);
- on the delivery of perishable goods or the goods which have been irretrievably mixed with other goods after the delivery thereof;
- on the supply of an audio or video recording or computer program if you have damaged the original packaging thereof;
- on the supply of digital content, unless it was supplied on a tangible medium and was supplied with your prior express consent before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Contract and you were informed about this consequence.
- When can we withdraw from a Contract of Purchase?
Reservamo-nos o direito de rescindir o contrato nos seguintes casos:
- we have not received the purchase price from you by the due date or you have not taken over the goods;
- the goods cannot be delivered under the original terms and conditions for objective reasons (mainly due to the fact that the goods are no longer manufactured, the supplier has stopped delivering to the Czech Republic, etc.);
- the performance becomes objectively impossible or unlawful.
No caso de ocorrer uma das circunstâncias acima mencionadas, informá-lo-emos imediatamente sobre a nossa rescisão do contrato.
Se já tiver pago o preço de compra na totalidade ou em parte, reembolsaremos o montante recebido no prazo de cinco dias a contar da resolução do Contrato, sem necessidade de efetuar qualquer pagamento, na conta que nos indicar para o efeito ou a partir da qual tiver efectuado o pagamento.
Complaint protocol and Withdrawal form for consumers
rights from defective performance for Consumers
Os seus direitos decorrentes de uma prestação defeituosa regem-se pelas disposições legais aplicáveis de carácter geral e vinculativo (em especial, os artigos 1914º a 1925º, 2099º a 2117º e, se for consumidor, os artigos 2158º a 2174º do Código Civil). Para o exercício dos direitos decorrentes de uma prestação defeituosa, procederemos de acordo com o nosso procedimento de reclamação para consumidores.
Withdrawal from the Contract For
Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities
- Until the Purchaser has taken the delivery of the goods, the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Contract at any time. In such a case, the Seller shall refund to the Purchaser the Purchase Price which has already been paid by the Purchaser in the same manner as it was paid by the Purchaser.
- O Vendedor está ainda autorizado a rescindir o Contrato se o Comprador atrasar o pagamento do preço de compra dos bens por mais de 7 dias. O direito do Vendedor a indemnização por danos incorridos pelo Vendedor devido ao atraso do Comprador não será afetado.
- The Purchaser is authorised to withdraw from the Contract if the Seller is in delay with the delivery of the goods for more than 4 weeks from the delivery date agreed upon.
- The Purchaser is not authorised to withdraw from the Contract in respect of the goods which have been delivered properly, on time and without defects. The Purchaser is furthermore not authorised to withdraw from the Contract in respect of the Goods which have been customised to the Purchaser’s wishes or for the Purchaser’s person (including the goods specially customised and programmed according to a VIN number).
- Withdrawal from the Contract must always be made electronically. Withdrawal from the Contract is effective upon the delivery of the notice of withdrawal to the other Party.
- In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the Purchaser is obliged to return to the Seller the goods already received by the Purchaser, within 10 days of the effective date of the withdrawal from the Contract. The Seller is not obliged to refund the price of the goods to the Purchaser before the goods are returned to the Seller after the withdrawal from the Contract.
Rights from defective performance for
Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities
- As condições de exercício dos direitos de execução defeituosa e de responsabilidade de garantia são regidas pelo procedimento de reclamação para empresários e pessoas colectivas do vendedor.
Special orders and orders for electronic components cannot be returned.
– special orders with a VIN number cannot be cancelled after ordering!
– parts ordered with a VIN number, such as keys, control units, mechatronics, cannot be returned after delivery!
– it is not possible to return a part programmed according to a VIN number.
– the processing time of these parts is longer than normal!
** Returns to a bank account must include the IBAN and SWIFT code (BIC) for international transfers.